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Ideal Case

  • ​Summer

- When there is a lot of water vapor in the air : summer_max

- When there is less water vapor in the air : summer_min

*comparison model : Mixing ratio is 0 in the setting summer : summer_0

  • Winter

- When there is a lot of water vapor in the air on : winter_max

- When there is less water vapor in the air on : winter_min

*comparison model : Mixing ratio is 0 in the setting winter : winter_0

How we setting the ideal case?

  • Temperature

Set the average temperature of Daeseo(大暑), the hottest summer day, and Sohan(小寒), the coldest day of winter in 2016.

- Daeseo(大暑) : The 12th of the 24 solar terms falls between Soseo and Ipchu. Daeseo is in June by the lunar calendar, and falls on July 23 by the solar calendar. It is when the sun's ecliptic passes through a point of approximately 120 degrees.

- Sohan(小寒) : It is the 23rd of the 24 solar terms, meaning "small cold." Sohan falls on January 5 in the Gregorian calendar and falls in December in the lunar calendar. It is when the sun is in a position of 285 degrees. Compared to Daehan, the coldest time of the year in Korea is around January 15 in the Gregorian calendar, which is actually colder than Daehan. The reason is that the season was made based on the Yellow River basin in China.

  • Average temperature in 2016.07.22(Daeseo)​ : 29.1°C

  • Average temperature in 2016.01.06(Sohan) : -1.7°C

  • Amount of water vapor

- Use mixing ratio 

** We selected the mixing ratio as a humidity variable because the mixing ratio is maintained constant regardless of the change in air pressure and temperature when the water vapor volume is constant.

The average/lowest/maximum relative humidity is obtained from the daily average relative humidity data of summer 2016 (2016.06-2016.08) and winter (2015.12-2016.02), the model's setting year, and the lowest relative humidity and highest relative humidity are used. Obtain the saturated mixture ratio at the set temperature and set the mixed ratio using the relative humidity value set by the relative humidity.


**Relative Humidity: To see at what temperature how much water vapor (mixed ratio) currently contains in the amount of water vapor (mixed ratio) that a kilogram of air can contain to its maximum.

  • 2016.06 - 2016.08(Summer)

- average relative humidity : 66.57717391%

- the highest relative humidity : 93.6%

- the lowest relative humidity : 38.3%

The set summer temperature : 29.1°C

-> Calculated by the amount of saturated water vapor at 30°C.

--> Maximum mixing ratio

(maximum mixing ratio)/27.18*100% = 93.6%

(maximum mixing ratio) = 25.44048g/kg

--> Minimum mixing ratio

(minimum mixing ratio)/27.18*100% = 38.3%

(minimum mixing ratio) = 10.40994g/kg

  • 2015.12 - 2016.02(Winter)

- average relative humidity : 55.0516484%

- the highest relative humidity : 95.3%

- the lowest relative humidity : 29.3%

The set summer temperature : -1.7°C

-> Calculated by the amount of saturated water vapor at 0°C.

--> Maximum mixing ratio

(maximum mixing ratio)/3.77*100% = 95.3%

(maximum mixing ratio) = 3.59281g/kg

--> Minimum mixing ratio

(minimum mixing ratio)/3.77*100% = 29.3%

(minimum mixing ratio) = 1.10461g/kg

  • Potential temperature

We don't know about the original temperature sounding of the practice model. But we think that if we change the temperature sounding of the model, however, the ratio of altitude will be constant(based on the following equation of potential temperature.).






So we use the ratio of original temperature sounding of the practice model.

스크린샷 2020-05-25 오후 11.07.08.png

Table. Excel that we use to change the potential temperature

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